Exposure to Military Fuels

The following is from the U.S.Veteran Affairs.  If any of the conditions listed below apply to you, you should file a claim with VAC. You can download the complete document using the link at the bottom of the page.

Section 510 of the PACT Act requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) to submit to the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees a report on the health effects of jet fuels used by the Armed Forces.

I wonder why our government has not passed similar legislation? 
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Health Outcomes Studies Major Gaps/Sources of Uncertainty
Nervous System
Hearing Impairment 4 Three of four studies present high risk of biasa due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity.
Only two studies examine acute health outcomes, limiting analytical power by type of outcome.
Memory Impairment 4 Three of four studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, health outcome ascertainment, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity.
Ocular Conditions 5 All studies (five of five) present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, health outcome ascertainment, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity. Only two studies examine long-term health outcomes, limiting analytical power by type of outcome. Inconsistent measure of effects limits analysis across studies.
Mental Health
Attention 4 Three of four studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity. Self-reported health outcome assessment creates uncertainty around outcomes across reported cases.
Cognitive Function 3 All studies (three of three) present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity. Self-reported health outcome assessment and imprecise health outcome definitions create uncertainty around outcomes across reported cases.
Visual-Spatial Performance 3 Two of three studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity. Self-reported health outcome assessment creates uncertainty around outcomes across reported cases.
social-Emotional Behavior and Regulation 1 Only one study examines this health outcome, and it presents high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure and potential confounding effects. o Self-reported health outcome assessment creates uncertainty around outcomes across reported cases.
Depression 2 Only two studies examine this health outcome and both studies (two of two) present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity.  Self-reported health outcome assessment creates uncertainty around outcomes across reported cases
Decreased Lung Function  Only two studies examine this health outcome, and one of two studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure and potential confounding effects.
Respiratory Symptoms 5 All studies (five of five) present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around participant selection, jet fuel exposure, health outcome ascertainment, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity. Only one study examines long-term health outcomes, limiting analytical power by type of outcome.
Obstructive Disease (Long-Term) 2 Only two studies examine this health outcome and both studies (two of two) present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around jet fuel exposure and potential confounding effects.
Kidney Cancer 3 Two of three studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around jet fuel exposure and potential confounding effects.
Bladder Cancer 3 All (three of three) studies present high risk of bias due to uncertainty around jet fuel exposure, potential confounding effects and study sensitivity.


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